Top 3 Items that Burglars Want When Breaking into Homes
Most homeowners know that they need some kind of security system put in place to protect and secure their possessions and homes. However, some other homeowners who have no security system in place to protect their homes from theft or break in, may find themselves in a difficult situation. Maybe if they knew about the top items that are usually stolen, they will better protect their valued possessions.
Following are top 3 items that burglars look for when breaking into homes:
1. Cash
The first and the most obvious item that is usually stolen is cash. There’s no doubt that it is the first thing burglars look for in any house. So if you have a lot of cash in your home and if you think that you have hidden it in the safest hiding spot, think again. Actually, think like a thief. Because the best hiding spots in your house are the most obvious ones to burglars. A recommended option is to get a safe and not just any safe that is easy to crack for burglars; you need to get the one that is sure to be a lot of hassle for thieves to mess with. There might even come a time when you need to get into it yourself. There are many kinds of safes out there, fireproof, waterproof, electric lock ones, etc.
2. Jewelry
The next top item is jewelry. Burglars look for things that can get them plenty of cash, and jewelry is an easy and quick solution. If you only have a few pieces of jewelry which you wear constantly, then there shouldn’t be any problem, however most individuals have extra pieces that they use as an alternate wearing. Therefore, if you have extra pieces that you are not wearing, you have to think a way to secure them. The best way to secure pricey jewelry is to keep it in a safety deposit box in a bank. A personal safe is also a good option. There are some other options to secure jewelry, however, the best would be in one of these two.
3. Guns
During a break in, guns are also top items that are stolen. Even though guns may be somewhat difficult to sell, there are black markets as well as some other means to sell them. Guns are always an easy target particularly if you leave them out in the open. Some individuals keep them in safes but don’t lock them, if you do the same, the odds are high that you won’t have guns after a burglar leaves your house. You must have a safe place in your home to keep all your guns locked up, particularly if you have children. Keeping the ammo separate from guns is also a good idea. However, this move won’t keep your guns from being stolen, but just make it safer in your house.
In conclusion, the above mentioned items are the top 3 that are usually stolen from homes. From personal safes to safety deposit boxes to having a home security system installed, there are numerous ways to protect your valued possessions.
If you have a home or business in The Coachella Valley, and want to increase your safety and security, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional security consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!