5 Things You Should Do if Your Home Alarm Goes Off
When your home alarm unexpectedly goes off, it can not only be a frightening experience but sometimes a confusing experience as well. However, you have to be prepared in case your home security system detects an intruder, especially at night when you are sleeping. The key is to remain calm and have a plan.
Following are 5 things you should do if your home alarm goes off:
1. Stay Calm
It is natural for us to panic in emergency situations. As a result of this panic, we intend to react rather than think. However, in an emergency situation it is recommended to make your decisions on the basis of critical evaluation, and not emotion. Hence, when your home alarm goes off, you should take a moment to calm your senses before doing anything else. Taking deep breaths work well in this regard. Being calm is the key to handle the whole situation effectively.
2. Verify It’s Not a False Alarm
Next thing to do is to verify whether the alarm is false. You should also give your home alarm system the benefit of the doubt. Read any notification or message appearing on the display and then investigate, however don’t put yourself in danger to do so. If you suspect that there is an actual threat in the house, leave and find a safe place to call your home security company or police.
3. Keep Your Phone Nearby
Keeping your phone within reach is essential for a couple of reasons. Firstly, you can call someone outside of your home in order to get help. Contact a friend or relative as soon as you get the chance and let them know what’s going on. Secondly, your home security company is instantly notified when the alarm is tripped. So in turn, they look at your file to determine which contact number to use to notify you. Hence, it is vital that you are near your phone to receive that call.
4. Know Your Password
When your home security company calls your home, they ask for your password. Therefore, you need to know this password in order to have flexibility in your choices. For instance, if you don’t want to notify the police because it was a false alarm, you must have your password. And if you don’t know your password, they will dispatch the authorities under any situation.
5. Have a Plan
Last but not least, you must always have a plan. An effective plan can help you remain calm under an emergency situation as well as it has the potential to save lives as well. It is essential that your family knows exactly what the plan is. Because during a real emergency, there should be no second guessing.
Although security systems can help make your home more secure and safe, you will still need to practice vigilance and awareness. Because effective human element is required for these devices to work their best.
If you have a home or business in The Coachella Valley, and want to increase your safety and security, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional security consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!