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Tag Archives: preparing your home

5 Ways to Prepare Your Home if You Are Going to be Leaving for an Extended Time

5 Ways to Prepare Your Home if You Are Going to be Leaving for an Extended Time

5 Ways to Prepare Your Home if You Are Going to be Leaving for an Extended TimeLeaving your home for an extended time can be a daunting prospect. Whether going on vacation or traveling for work, there are many instances where homeowners leave their home unattended for days, weeks, or even months, which poses some obvious security risks when there is nobody home!

Thankfully, there are many simple ways that you can make your home feel more secure and less of a target. After all, when a house has been left unattended for an extended time break-ins become more of a risk because an empty house is a much easier target.

To keep your home safe and give yourself a complete peace of mind, here are 5 ways to prepare your home when leaving for an extended time:

Invest in a Home Security System

If you haven’t already, now is the time to invest in a robust home security system, as this will give your home the most protection possible when you are away. There are many systems available and each one is designed to alert the authorities to any break-ins, so it’s a worthwhile investment for any homeowner.

Better still, consider investing in a modern system that allows you to remotely view your home security when away. Many can be connected to smart phones to let you watch your camera feeds and give you push notifications of any unusual activity.

Keep Up Appearances

If there are home maintenance tasks that are still necessary when you are away make sure that there is someone doing them. Whether it’s mowing the lawn, taking trash cans to the curb, or cleaning your pool, always ensure home maintenance continues in your absence.

If not, your home quickly becomes an obvious target because it is clear nobody is at home. If you aren’t hiring someone, consider asking a friend or relative, or even paying the neighbor’s kid to complete a few chores for you.

Never Leave a Hidden Key

This may seem like a good idea if you’re going to have someone checking your home when you’re away but it’s a huge risk not worth taking. Any experienced burglar knows where to check for hidden spare keys, so they could have unrestricted access to your home – never leave a hidden key for this reason!

If you need to leave a key behind for someone, either give it to them directly or ask a neighbor to hold it for you.

Consider Adding a Security Light

Smaller home security devices like a motion detector light are well worth a buy when leaving home for a long period. A security light on the front porch and at the back door can work wonders as a deterrent, especially at night.

Don’t Announce it On Social Media

It may seem natural to announce your trip on social media, but this is quite risky, as anyone could be reading this and use the information to determine you aren’t at home. Keep updates and posts to a bare minimum or try to avoid it entirely!

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!

4 Things You Can’t Expect if You Don't Have a Good Home Security System

4 Things You Didn’t Know A Modern Home Security System Can Do

4 Things You Didn't Know A Modern Home Security System Can DoHome security systems are always advancing, with improvements in technology allowing them to function much more efficiently while also providing many cool new features. In fact, many people don’t even realize the various things that modern home security system can do, with most systems being much more than just security cameras and alarms!

Here are 4 things that you didn’t know a modern home security system can do:

Remote Access Control

Smart technology has had a huge influence on modern home security systems, allowing homeowners to sync their systems with various devices for easier home security management. One of the best parts of this is being able to remotely access and control your home security system, typically through your smartphone.

Most modern systems come with a compatible application that you download to your phone and sync with the security system. Doing so lets you do all kinds of functions remotely, such as setting alarms and checking cameras, giving a complete peace of mind even when away from home.

Warn About Fires, Carbon Monoxide, and Floods

Many modern home security systems can now be integrated with various other devices. Most notable, you can now connect home security to fire alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, and water sensors.

With these all connected, the system can instantly notify you when there is an emergency situation in your home, allowing you to act fast. Home security systems now do a lot more to protect your home than simply warn about a break-in!

Emergency Medical Assistance

Older people living alone are often higher risk of medical emergencies, whether it’s from falling over or problems with a pre-existing condition, and when this happens a home security system can be there to help.

Many systems can be linked with emergency contact numbers – be it a relative or an ambulance service – that will send a warning whenever there is a medical emergency. Most are activated by a pull-cord but many newer systems can send warnings with remote devices so there can be a warning sent no matter where the person is.

Send You Alerts

When a modern home security system utilizes smart technology, it can send you notifications about home security issues. It could be a text that you’ve forgot to set the security system or that you’ve forget to lock your door, while many can even notify you when someone has accessed your home.

This all goes towards giving you the peace-of-mind that your home is safe and secure when you’ve left, and to remind you of anything that you might have forgotten! Older systems never had such features, with basic warnings being sent out whenever there was a break-in, allowing us to be even more vigilant when it comes to home security.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!

4 Things You Can’t Expect if You Don't Have a Good Home Security System

4 Things You Can’t Expect if You Don’t Have a Good Home Security System

4 Things You Can’t Expect if You Don't Have a Good Home Security SystemA good home security system will give a homeowner the peace of mind that their home is protected. However, not all home security systems are created equal, with some cheap and dated systems not offering the same level of protection as a good modern system.

Some people don’t even have home security systems installed, which is understandable given the cost associated with such systems but also a huge risk when it comes to preventing break-ins and burglaries.

Here are 4 things you can’t expect if you don’t have a good home security system:

Cheaper Homeowner Insurance

Your homeowner insurance premium can be significantly lower if you have a good home security system in place. Insurance companies base their rates on various factors, with home security systems being one of these.

If you don’t have any type of system, don’t expect a cheaper premium, while those with older systems may not save as much money as they could with a newer system. In many cases, the money you save from lower homeowner’s insurance pays for the security system over time!

A Break-In Deterrent

A good home security system acts as one of the best deterrents against criminals. When a would-be burglar sees that your home is equipped with an advanced home security system, they realize that the risk may not be worth the reward.

When older or poor-quality systems are in place, most burglars will know all about it. They keep up to date on the latest home security systems and if they see something dated (or nothing at all) then don’t expect it to work as an effective deterrent.

Remote Home Security Monitoring

One of the best features of newer home security systems is the ability to view home security from any location. Most newer systems have smart technology that lets you use a smartphone or tablet application to view your cameras and home security system from remote locations.

For instance, you can check live feeds of your security cameras from your workplace, receive live notifications about any issues with your home security, and monitor the entire system from the palm of your hand.

Don’t expect to enjoy these benefits without a good home security system though, as most of these features are only available with modern systems.

Automated Home Security

Most new home security systems take advantage of smart technology. We’ve covered how this is great for remote viewing but it offers much more than just that. Your entire home security system can be automated to take things to a whole new level!

For example, you can automate security lights so that they turn on an off at natural intervals so it appears people are home. You can synch motion detectors with security lights and cameras to make them react to specific situations (e.g. altering a camera to start recording) and control everything from your tablet or phone!

There are countless ways that you can enhance your home security through automation – just don’t expect it if you don’t have a good system in place!

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!

The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make With Their Home Security

The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make With Their Home SecurityThe 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make With Their Home Security

We all want our home to be safe from threats, taking the time to enhance home security to prevent unwanted attention from opportunistic criminals. Yet many people don’t quite realize how clever burglars are, with many seizing the initiative to break in because we’ve made mistakes with our home security.

Many of these are seemingly harmless mistakes, with homeowners not always recognizing that they’ve created their own security risk. But with a bit of awareness and good preparation, you can avoid these mistakes and have peace of mind that your home is safe and secure.

Here are the 4 biggest mistakes that people make with their home security:

Leave a Key Outside

Leaving a spare key outside may feel convenient but it is asking for someone to break in to your property. Burglars know all about this common home security mistake and will always check under doormats and plant pots for that hidden spare key.

The last thing you ever want is to give a burglar the keys to your front door – which is exactly what might happen if you keep leaving spares outside!

Unlocked Doors and Windows

In a perfect world we would be able to leave our windows and doors unlocked without ever worrying – that sadly isn’t the world we live in.

Windows and doors are some of the first areas where a burglar will check when breaking into a property. This is the perfect target for a would-be intruder, giving them quick and easy access to your property without any forced entry.

Always lock your doors when you leave the house and be sure to lock them before you go to bed – you may just want to keep them locked 24/7 just to be on the safe side!

Also, avoid leaving your windows open when you leave the house, even if it’s on the top floor.

Bushes and Trees Too Close to the Property

While bushes and trees are a wonderful addition to your landscaping, they also pose a potential security threat, and one that most are unaware of.

For example, if you have large bushes very close to your house it offers the perfect coverage for someone trying to break in. Thick bushes are ideal for hiding when breaking into a property, so be sure to cut back or even remove those massive shrubs and bushes.

Furthermore, trees pose a unique security threat when too close to your home. Burglars often climb trees to break into a house via an open window, so always cut back any branches that are close to your house.

No Obvious Signs of Security

Burglars love an easy target and one of the quickest ways to identify this is when there are no obvious signs of home security systems. For instance, having security alarms clearly displayed at the front of the house is one of the best deterrents against a break-in.

Don’t hide any cameras, clearly advertise your home security system if possible, and make sure there are obvious signs of security near windows – burglars will peer through looking for alarms, cameras and heavy-duty locks to see how easy a break-in might be.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!

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