Leaving Home For An Extended Period Of Time? Make Sure You Do These Six Things To Make Sure Everything Is In Order When You Return.
When leaving your home unattended for an extended period, it is understandable to be nervous. With nobody home, your property is at an increased risk from theft or damage, meaning you could return home and see things aren’t what they were when you left.
This is a nightmare that not only causes a great deal of stress but also has serious financial consequences. So, to avoid any problems with your home when leaving for an extended period you should take the time to adequately prepare.
Make sure you do these six things to make sure everything is in order when you return:
1. Secure All Locks
A no-brainer but one worth mentioning – lock everything throughout your home. This includes front and back doors along with any connecting doors, such as those between your home and garage – not to mention the garage itself. Lock all windows and patio doors, and any outdoor buildings such as a shed or workshop.
2. Never Leave Keys Outside
Leaving a spare key outside is handy for the odd occasion – going on a long trip is not one of them. Even the best hiding spots may be detected, leaving your home at incredible risk where an intruder could get in and out without even breaking a sweat. Leave spare keys with a family member or a neighbor if need be.
3. Ask Friends to Check-In
Getting a friend, relative, or neighbor to occasionally check in with your property should give you a good peace of mind when away for a long time. It means you home won’t be empty for weeks on end, which may be spotted by a would-be burglar, while they can also inspect the home for signs of damage.
Plus, in the worst-case scenario you have someone that can immediately contact you and the authorities, meaning no nasty surprises when you get home.
4. Consider Installing a Security System
Security systems are for everyone, but it something that should be seriously considered when going away for a longer period. Professional security systems offer enhanced security unlike anything else, so is one of the surest ways to keep your home safe and secure upon your return.
This could be a professional alarm that alerts the police of a break-in or a smart camera system that you can view from a computer, any of which provide quality security that should prevent the worst from happening.
5. Set the Thermostat
Not all risks are security based when leaving home – it could be an accident with the house itself. For instance, when living in a colder region you may want to leave the thermostat to an appropriate temperature to avoid pipes freezing and bursting.
6. Turn Water Off
When leaving for a long period, it’s often recommended to turn the entire water system off to avoid accidental leaks, which could be one of the worst things to happen when left unchecked. Water damage can quickly escalate and costs thousands of dollars in damage, so because nobody is using the water you may as well turn it off.
If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!