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Home Protection

protect from theft when selling home

Selling Your Home? Protect Your Belongings From Theft By Fake Home Shoppers With These Five Security Tips

protect from theft when selling homeSelling property is always a stressful process, so it’s understandable that many overlook their home security when conducting a sale. This most commonly occurs during the viewing process, when people are free to come and go from the property, often without a second thought of how secure possessions are.

While most people are likely viewing the property as honest buyers, there is always the chance that someone comes to your home as a fake shopper, and these people will take the opportunity to steal whatever belongings they can.
So, be sure to protect your belongings from theft by fake home shoppers with these five security tips:

Remove Valuable Belongings Prior To Viewings
It’s common sense but still worth mentioning – always remove any valuables before viewing your home for a buyer. This is easy enough to do as you probably want to give your home a look over to make sure it’s in top condition for the viewing, so simply take note of anything valuable that you want to keep safe and remove it from the premises or place into a locked container.

Consider locking away valuables such a jewelery, credit cards, cash, car and house keys, etc. Also, removing personal belongings is a good idea, as this helps to protect your personal information and privacy, which is often the target of thieves.

Be Mindful of Documents And Medicine
While these may not be considered valuable belongings, things such as prescription medicine and personal documents should always be kept out of sight for a house viewing.

Identify theft is a huge risk today and fake shoppers are using house viewings to get personal information from documents lying around homes – be mindful of this and keep all personal documents, letters, bills, and other mail out of reach.

Know Who Is Viewing
Unless conducting an open house viewing, you can request your real estate agent to get personal details from any viewers, including a name, address, current employer, etc. This serves mostly as a deterrent, as those unwilling to give this information may have the wrong intentions, while most will be happy to give this.

Try to Have Viewings Early As Possible
The earlier the house viewing the better, as daylight is often the biggest deterrent for a fake house shopper. Daylight hours are the busiest, so your street will likely have more activity throughout the day that thieves will find off-putting – most want to remain unseen so a room flooded with daylight is always a good form of protection!

Invest in Good Security Systems
If you don’t already have a security system in place for your home, now could be the perfect time to get one. Yes, you are moving out and won’t be needing it for long, but the added protection is well worth the price, while it may add value to your home or you can take it with you, depending on the type of system.

For instance, a basic security camera can make a world of a difference for home security during house viewings. Not only are they a good preventive measure for opportunistic thieves but could provide evidence of a theft should it occur.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!

home security when the weather is hot

Four Extra Home Security Precautions You Should Take When the Weather is Hot

home security when the weather is hotWarm weather isn’t without its setbacks. From dehydration to heat stroke, there are plenty of hazards that come with the hot weather, so many people understandably take precautions around their home to help cope with the heat.

Opening windows and doors is a common fix, as is cranking the air conditioning up to full, but these may pose unexpected risks to your home’s security. In fact, there are many opportunistic thieves that take advantage of the hot weather and the possible lowering of home security that comes with it.

Here are four extra home security precautions you should take when the weather is hot:

Close all ground windows at night
The most common reason that homes are more susceptible to break-ins during hot weather is that more windows remain open than normal. This makes sense, as most of us that want to cool down from the heat simply open the windows across the house.
However, many tend to leave them open throughout the day and night, which creates a big risk for homeowners. Windows on the ground floor are the biggest culprit in this regard, as they make entering the home much easier, so always keep them closed at night no matter how hot it gets!

Check second floor windows for easy access
It is normally safe to leave second floor windows open overnight as they are quite difficult to access so most burglars don’t take the risk. However, some windows on the second floor could still pose a risk is they have easier access, typically in the shape of a tree, wall, or fence near to window.

Check to see if there are any risks near a second-floor window you want to leave open, paying attention to trees and fences in particular. For trees, consider trimming branches that are near windows, while applying spikes to the top of a fence helps detract would-be intruders.

Keep your garage door down when working in the yard
The hot weather is great for getting work done around the yard, whether cutting grass, planting new flowers, or making repairs to fences. Most people store tools and lawnmowers in the garage, and don’t think twice of leaving it open as they get to work outside the home.

However, this does pose a risk from opportunistic thieves that see the open door and nobody close by to stop them. For instance, taking a bathroom break could give a burglar the chance they are waiting for, so always leave your garage door shut when working outside!

Don’t leave ladders lying around
Chances are you are going to do some work to your home’s exterior during the hot weather. It’s a great time to repaint the house or clean out the gutter after a long winter, so you may be using a ladder during this time.

Ladders are a big risk for homeowners when left outside, so always make sure you never leave ladders unattended when doing work outside the home. If using frequently during the summer, chain them up at night so nobody tries to use them to break in!

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!

home invasion

3 Types of Home Invasions That Home Security Alarms Can Protect Against

home invasionHome security is one of the primary concerns of every homeowner. The concern to enhance residential security has increased in the last few years due to the increasing number of home invasions that end in violence against a home’s occupants. Everyone should take the security of their home seriously and consider installing a reliable home security alarm for protection against home invasions.

Following are 3 types of home invasions that home security alarms can protect against:

1. Home Invasion by Forced Entry
In this type of home invasion, the intruder does not use any deception and tries to force his way into a home. For instance, the intruder rings the doorbell and when the homeowner opens the door, he forces his way in. In other cases, the invader does not even bother to ring the doorbell or knock on the front door, instead he simply kicks in the front door of the house and tries to take over the home. The most common entry point for home invasion by forced entry is the front door.

A home security alarm can protect you and your family against this type of home invasion. With installation and proper placement of your surveillance cameras, you will be able to see the invader before he attempts to gain entry. And if the invader simply starts kicking in your front door, then you will know thanks to home security system’s surveillance cameras. In most cases, the alarm will trigger if someone tried to gain forced entry. And if for some reason it doesn’t, then you can use the panic button of your home alarm system to alert the authorities of the threat.

2. Home Invasion by Ruse
This is the type of home invasion in which the invader uses ruses or deceptive tricks to get inside your home. Usually, the intruder fakes his identity in order to gain the trust of the homeowner and lower their guard. For example, he can dress up in a cable company uniform, knock on your door and tell that he is here to fix a problem with your cable. In this way, he will request entry into your home and once he gains entry, he will drop the act and try to overpower you and other occupants of your home with fear and violence to obtain cash, credit cards, cell phones, expensive jewelry, or anything else of value.

In most cases, your surveillance cameras at the front of your property as well as signs of the security system will be enough to deter such invaders and protect you against this type of home invasion. Apart from this, you will have access to the panic button of your home security system to quickly call for help if such an unfortunate incident occurs.

3. Break, Enter, and Steal
This is usually not considered as a type of home invasion but it could be categorized as such when the alleged offender is armed with a weapon and the circumstances aggravate. Generally, the intruder’s intensions are to enter the house without breaking or attracting attention. A home security alarm will deter such intruders from attempting to gain entry into your home. The motion sensors as well as surveillance equipment of your home security alarm will detect the intruder as soon as he enters your property.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!


Having a Party at Your House? Here Are 5 Ways to Ensure Safety and Security For Your Home and Belongings

having-a-party-at-your-house-here-are-5-ways-to-ensure-safety-and-security-for-your-home-and-belongingsThere is nothing quite as fun as hosting your own house party – but there is also nothing more stressful! Sending out invites, ensuring everyone has a great time, making sure the food is cooked to perfection, playing the right type of music, cleaning up all the mess afterwards – a good host has plenty to worry about before, during, and after a house party!

Yet there is one aspect of hosting a party that many people overlook – home security. While it’s nice to assume everyone at a house party has no intention of stealing or damaging anything, these things can happen, so it always helps to prepare for the unexpected.

Here are 5 ways to ensure safety and security for your home and belongings:

1. Be mindful of open invitations

Many people use social media to notify guests of an upcoming party, and while very convenient compared to contacting people individually, it does pose a security threat not everyone is aware of.

When sending out open invitations, whether via social media or in person, be mindful that it could lead to unexpected guests arriving. Some people may see the invite without you realizing it while others will invite guests to your party, meaning there could be lots of guests you are unfamiliar with.

Instead, send out secure invites using email, text messages, phone calls, or even a paper invite – this ensures no unknown guests attend that could possibly be a risk to your home security.

2. Create a Guest List

This is a great method for ensuring you know exactly who is at the party, making it easier to identify someone that should be there. Many intruders use a house party as cover as they can easily be mistaken for a guest.

By creating a guest list, you should have a good idea of who should be there – and who shouldn’t.

3. Store guest items in a single location

When hosting a party, you have a responsibility for keeping other peoples’ belongings safe along with your own things. Many guests will appear with coats, hats, scarves etc., (especially in winter) so make sure there is a secure location to store everything.

Preferably keep this to a room that can be locked. In doing so, you can take the belongings of a guest, place it in the room yourself and then lock the door, ensuring everything is secure and accounted for.

4. Lock away your own valuables

There is nothing wrong with securing your valuables when hosting a party – you are simply protecting your things from damage and possible theft. Anything of value, whether it’s cash, jewelry, or anything else, should be locked away from the main party.
Your room is a good idea for this – unless using as a coat room – but make sure that you store it anywhere with a lock. It may be worth investing in a lock box or safe should you be quite anxious about leaving valuables around.

5. Move things away from high traffic areas

High traffic areas are spots where lots of people will be coming and going, so there’s a chance something gets damage here. If you have items you want to protect, whether art, furniture, or something else, look to move things away from high traffic areas.

Even just placing them temporarily in a spare room or garage ensures there is no accidental damage to your belongings.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!


Leaving Home For An Extended Period Of Time? Make Sure You Do These Six Things To Make Sure Everything Is In Order When You Return.

leaving-home-for-an-extended-period-of-time-make-sure-you-do-these-six-things-to-make-sure-everything-is-in-order-when-you-returnWhen leaving your home unattended for an extended period, it is understandable to be nervous. With nobody home, your property is at an increased risk from theft or damage, meaning you could return home and see things aren’t what they were when you left.

This is a nightmare that not only causes a great deal of stress but also has serious financial consequences. So, to avoid any problems with your home when leaving for an extended period you should take the time to adequately prepare.

Make sure you do these six things to make sure everything is in order when you return:

1. Secure All Locks

A no-brainer but one worth mentioning – lock everything throughout your home. This includes front and back doors along with any connecting doors, such as those between your home and garage – not to mention the garage itself. Lock all windows and patio doors, and any outdoor buildings such as a shed or workshop.

2. Never Leave Keys Outside

Leaving a spare key outside is handy for the odd occasion – going on a long trip is not one of them. Even the best hiding spots may be detected, leaving your home at incredible risk where an intruder could get in and out without even breaking a sweat. Leave spare keys with a family member or a neighbor if need be.

3. Ask Friends to Check-In

Getting a friend, relative, or neighbor to occasionally check in with your property should give you a good peace of mind when away for a long time. It means you home won’t be empty for weeks on end, which may be spotted by a would-be burglar, while they can also inspect the home for signs of damage.

Plus, in the worst-case scenario you have someone that can immediately contact you and the authorities, meaning no nasty surprises when you get home.

4. Consider Installing a Security System

Security systems are for everyone, but it something that should be seriously considered when going away for a longer period. Professional security systems offer enhanced security unlike anything else, so is one of the surest ways to keep your home safe and secure upon your return.

This could be a professional alarm that alerts the police of a break-in or a smart camera system that you can view from a computer, any of which provide quality security that should prevent the worst from happening.

5. Set the Thermostat

Not all risks are security based when leaving home – it could be an accident with the house itself. For instance, when living in a colder region you may want to leave the thermostat to an appropriate temperature to avoid pipes freezing and bursting.

6. Turn Water Off

When leaving for a long period, it’s often recommended to turn the entire water system off to avoid accidental leaks, which could be one of the worst things to happen when left unchecked. Water damage can quickly escalate and costs thousands of dollars in damage, so because nobody is using the water you may as well turn it off.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!


5 Great Neighborhood Watch Ideas to Help Make Your Community Safer

5-great-neighborhood-watch-ideas-to-help-make-your-community-saferHome security is a major problem that affects everyone. Apart from installing home security alarms, CCTV cameras, etc., most citizens are organizing their own neighborhood watch groups in order to keep their community safe. A neighborhood watch is a great way to deter and prevent crime from occurring within your community. Homeowners can organize neighborhood watch privately or through a community or neighborhood association. With certain measures, a neighborhood watch can keep the crime off community streets.

Here are 5 tips that will enhance the efficiency of neighborhood watch and help keep your community safer:

1. Gather the Facts to Devise a Strategy

It is recommended that you gather the facts and find out anything you can about the crime in your neighborhood. This includes victim surveys, police reports, and perceptions of neighbors about crime. Once you have all the information, it will be easier for you to devise a neighborhood watch strategy to protect your community.

2. Keep Everyone Updated

Use technology to your advantage. Create a message board or website, or start an email list so that you can keep everyone updated. It would be a good idea to elect a member of the neighborhood watch to maintain the message board and encourage anyone to post any crimes or suspicious activity that were committed. Criminals don’t like to be labeled so this step will be really helpful because if the criminals know that they are being watched and their description is being spread, they are likely to move on to someplace new.

3. Place Neighborhood Watch Signs

It’s a great idea to place ‘neighborhood watch’ signs in your windows. These will work as visual deterrent to criminals. Again, this is a great way to let criminals know that they are being watched and their activities are being reported. In case a crime is committed, the witness will provide a description that will make it easier to track the criminal down if the neighborhood watch has a database of information on him/her.

4. Use Stun Gun Flashlights

A stun gun flashlight is an excellent tool for neighborhood watch group members because not only does it work as a flashlight to assist when you are patrolling at night, it also has an alarm which will be very helpful if someone patrolling the neighborhood feels that they are in danger because they can sound the alarm and alert the others to their location. Lastly, it will also be helpful in stopping an attacker as it is a 200,000-volt stun gun.

5. Involve the Police When Required

Keep in mind that the purpose of neighborhood watch is to deter criminals and keep the community safe. The members of neighborhood watch are not vigilantes. Therefore, if any member on patrol suspects a crime, he should immediately contact the police and tell them what’s going on. If you involve the police, it will be a lot easier to catch the criminal as compared to finding him/her yourself after the crime has been committed.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!


What is The Difference Between Stay, Away, and Night Home Alarm Activation Modes?

what-is-the-difference-between-stay-away-and-night-home-alarm-activation-modesHome alarm systems need to be manually activated by a user to work. This makes sense when you consider the alarm would go off at any given time without proper activation and given how often we come and go from our homes, having several modes to accommodate different situations is certainly convenient.

This often causes confusion however. For instance, not everyone is fully aware of the differences between these modes, not knowing what works best for each situation. Let’s take a closer look at the main differences between home alarm activation modes:

1. Stay Mode

Stay mode, often referred to as home mode, is the mode best used when someone remains at home. Motion sensors from the system detect people inside but don’t activate any alarms, ensuring the system isn’t set off by mistake.

This mode still provides security of course, otherwise it would be rather useless. The main security provided by stay mode occurs at other entrances to the home, namely windows and any additional doors.

2. Away Mode

As the name suggests, this armed mode is used when homeowners are away from their home. Therefore, all alarms are usually activated (unless the user decides to deactivate certain alarms), ensuring the utmost protection when away from home.

Both interior and exterior alarms are armed, so whether it’s a broken window or forced entry, the security system immediately triggers and sounds the alarm. Depending on the security system installed, the police might also be contacted.

So, unlike other modes, away mode will always activate the alarm should there be an issue, making it the most secure option for those leaving their home unattended. Be mindful that pets may activate motion sensors with this mode!

Also, away mode usually features a delay, so you can leave the house as you activate it, while also giving enough time (around 30 seconds) to deactivate when you come back home.

3. Night Mode

One of the most notable difference with night mode is how customizable it is. You set the alarm to suit the needs of your own night time routine, allowing to get the balance of security when sleeping but avoiding false alarms should you go to the bathroom or have a pet moving around downstairs.

This works by letting you pre-program the night mode to turn off any sensors that may be disturbed by mistake. Most people tend to turn off most motion sensors with this mode while keeping other sensors active, such as those on windows and doors.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!


3 Current Residential Security Threats That Never Existed Before

3-current-residential-security-threats-that-never-existed-beforeResidential burglaries remain prevalent despite the improvements in home security. Granted, home break-ins are much more difficult to complete than they previously were, there are still instances where homes remain a huge target for burglary.

In fact, there are some residential security threats that never existed before but are now commonly used by opportunist criminals. Take a look at some current residential security threats that never existed before to help you avoid them in the future:

1. Smartphones

Perhaps one of the most notable security threats a home faces is from an unlikely source – smartphones. This technology has only become more popular and widespread, and criminals have started using it to help break into homes around the world.

For instance, smartphone applications such as KeyMe allows house keys to be copied using nothing but a phone. Savvy burglars are using this to scan keys of homes to break into, as they don’t need to provide any physical key, so homeowners don’t even know there is a risk!

This is just the tip of the iceberg, as various other applications can be used to benefit would-be intruders, especially when it comes to surveillance!

2. Camera Technology

Cameras have never been more widespread or easier to use than they are now. From smartphones with great cameras to compact spy cameras, there are countless forms of cameras that burglars may use to help break into a home.

For instance, a spy camera is easy to buy online and can be placed anywhere around a residential property -possibly even inside it. This allows burglars to stake out homes like never before, making it easier to check your routines, see when you aren’t home, and even determine if you have gone on vacation.

3. Lockpicking Kits

What was once reserved for professional criminals is now easy to buy online, with sites such as Amazon selling a wide selection of lockpicking kits. Granted, these are designed for practicing on small padlocks, but you can be sure some criminals are using them to easily pick the locks of a house.

In fact, someone can easily buy a premium lockpicking kit that won’t struggle to break through residential locks, while online resources make it even easier to learn how to pick locks. This is something that was never widely available, and some homes are now at increased risk because lockpicks are so easy to source.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!


4 Things That Help Get Burglars Caught After Breaking Into A Home

4-things-that-help-get-burglars-caught-after-breaking-into-a-homeNothing is worse than having your home broken into and your valuables stolen. It’s an understandably traumatic experience, yet after the initial shock of being robbed, there is a good chance you are motivated to do all you can to help catch the crook.

However, preventative measures are always the best course of action to take. Even if you have a robust security system in place, there is still a chance that a burglar might break into your home, so it always helps to take some extra steps to help catch them in the event of a break-in.

Here are four things that help get burglars caught after breaking into a home:

1. Video Footage

The most obvious way of catching a burglar is by providing the police with video footage of the break-in. This means you’ll need to install some security cameras throughout your home to ensure there is always a video feed should there be a break in.

Should police have video footage of a break-in then they have so much more evidence to work with, significantly increasing the chances of the burglar being caught – get those security cameras installed ASAP!

2. Marked Valuables

This is a much more subtle method and one that works wonders, especially for catching inexperienced burglars. Basically, you want to mark anything you deem a valuable possession, and there are a few options for how to go about doing this.

A popular method is a UV pen. These are cheap and leave no marks on your belongings, revealing the mark under a UV light. So, if the police were to catch a suspect with some of your stolen valuables they can use the marking to confirm it’s yours and that the suspect stole it.

3. Inventory of Items

Like marking your items, creating an inventory of items is another easy preventative measure that may help catch a burglar. Again, if the police catch a suspect and they have some of the items on your inventory list, it’s much easier to determine they are the culprit.

Similarly, checking pawn shops and websites such as Craigslist for your inventory of items may reveal the thief’s whereabouts, so it never hurts to create a list of all the valuables in your home.

4. Electronic Tracker

You may be able to determine the exact whereabouts of the burglar if you have an electronic tracker on some of your valuables, which is a lot easier than it sounds. This works especially well for finding electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones, which just so happen to be prime targets for burglars.

Tracking devices vary in size, but most are very small and easy to attach to valuables – in many instances they remain well hidden. Tracking methods vary, with some using GPS, Bluetooth, or even altitude signals, and those with the longest tracking ranges are best for anti-theft.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!

3 Ways to Safely Maintain Your Christmas Decorations

3-ways-to-safely-maintain-your-christmas-decorationsChristmas is an amazing time of year as it allows you to spend quality time with family and friends and exchange gifts. Of course, you will want to decorate your home with beautiful festive ornaments in order to give it that cozy Christmas feel. To make sure that your Christmas is perfect and stress-free, you need to ensure that all your festive decorations are maintained safely.

Following are 3 ways to safely maintain your Christmas decorations:

1. Careful Unpacking/Packing of Decorations

First you will need to unpack your last year’s decorations that you want to use during this Christmas. Careful unpacking of those decorations is essential to make sure that they don’t get damaged and can be optimally used to decorate your home. Take extra precaution when unpacking fragile items and put them in small amounts of newspaper until it’s time to place them on your wall or any other suitable place in your home. The same level of carefulness should be applied when you are packing these ornaments after they have served their purpose, so that you can use them next year.

2. Be Cautious When Cleaning the Decorations

You may need to clean your Christmas decorations once you have unpacked them. Cleaning them needn’t be a lengthy process. However, it is recommended that you make use of appropriate cleaning methods. If there are solid decorations, use a damp cloth to wipe down their surfaces. And if there are delicate/fragile objects, then it is recommended to use a special windows cleaner for polishing them and giving them that much needed shiny Christmas look.

If there are any stains on any of your decorations, then use the cleaning materials that are suitable for the type of material that those ornaments are made out of. Use a soft cloth to remove any dirt or dust; use a small round-tipped brush to get dirt out of crannies and nooks.

3. Proper Repair/Maintenance of Damaged Decorations

When going through last year’s Christmas decorations, you might come across some ornaments that have been slightly damaged or broken. While not all of them can be repaired, there are some (e.g. plastic decorations, hanging wooden ornaments, etc.) that you can easily fix with a small amount of superglue. It is recommended that you throw away any broken glass baubles immediately as they can be a safety hazard. Use gloves to collect them and throw them into the bin by wrapping them in newspaper.

When it comes to Christmas lights, make sure to plug them in and check whether there are any faulty or missing lights. Purchase new ones if there’s an issue with old ones and dispose of the faulty ones carefully.


In conclusion, decorating your home with Christmas ornaments is an exciting activity and it is more than just a tradition. Just make sure to maintain them safely so that there are no undesirable outcomes and your Christmas goes according to your plans.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!

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