4 Ways to Secure Your Home Windows
When thinking of home security, our thoughts drift straight to our doors. After all, it’s how you walk into your house every single day. However, burglars might have other thoughts about how to get inside your house. After you have all of your doors secured, one of the only options left are your windows.
1. Make sure your windows are closed.
While it is the most obvious tip, an open window will make it extremely easy for a burglar to simply walk up and take the screen out of your window. If your windows are always closed and locked, a burglar will never be able to get through them without breaking them and creating a lot of noise. Windows should be closed when you leave the house, go to sleep, or any other time that your house might be vulnerable. Getting in the habit of closing your windows when you lock all of your doors and set your alarm can be a great help to your home’s security.
2. Place a wooden rod in your window to stop it from being opened.
This can either be used as a backup for a window lock or simply on it’s own due to its strength. Wooden rods are cheap and can be bought at your local hardware store, all you have to do is bring your measurements for all of your windows and have a few wooden rods cut to size to be able to make your house a lot safer. When your windows are open, the rod can sit on your window seal, and when they are closed, the rod will be stored away on the rails of the sliding window.
3. Add your windows to your home alarm.
If you don’t already have a security company protecting your house, you should look into paying to have alarms installed. Most companies now offer packages that include all of your home’s windows in the alarm, so that if one is ever opened while the alarm is set, it will go off just as if someone broke in through the front door. Most of these window sensors also allow you to open the window a small amount in case you want to have fresh air come into your house at the same time as your alarm is on.
4. Put your alarm company’s stickers in your windows.
Most burglaries can be avoided simply by boasting about your security company. Houses with signs in their front yards are a lot less likely to ever be broken into, so why not do the same for your windows? This will also allow the home invader to get one last chance to decide whether or not they actually want to break into a home with home security installed. If you already have your windows secured, call your security company and ask about having a handful of small stickers to install on the inside of your windows in your home.
Although windows alone are a security flaw, you can make your house a lot safer by simply following these tips. While some aren’t necessarily making it impossible to get into your house, it will definitely make it a lot harder for burglars to enter your house without making a lot of noise.
If you are looking for a home security company that can provide alarm sensors for your windows, and want to get some great discounts on an alarm system for your home or business in The Coachella Valley, contact the experts at Command One Security! One of our home security consultants will be happy to discuss the best and most cost-effective options we have available for you. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!