Are Gated Communities Really Safer than Open Communities?
One statistic shows that about 10 percent of people in the United States live in gated communities. This number is on the rise too. The reason for the large increase of people living in gated communities can be attributed to the fact that gated communities are no longer reserved for the rich in the United States. In fact, gated housing is becoming more and more affordable.
Why do people buy houses in gated communities?
The biggest reason that someone would consider buying a house in a gated community is that they are thought to be much safer. However, many studies show that gated communities have little to none effect on the crime rates in those areas. In some cases, the crime rates are actually higher in gated communities than regular ungated communities.
Why are gated communities not as safe as they seem?
When people living in gated communities feel safe, they are less inclined to take the extra steps needed to protect themselves and their possessions. For example, someone living in a gated community might not lock their doors as often, or leave their home alarm off when they leave their house. Another huge reason for gated communities possibly being unsafe is that criminals may intentionally target a gated community with the assumption that the people living inside are wealthy.
Can these neighborhoods be safe?
If set up and regulated right, a gated community can be extremely safe. One of the biggest factors to a gated neighborhood’s safety is having guards employed on the premises to watch who comes in and out of the gates. Another factor that could make a gated community much safer is changing the gates codes often. People who live inside the gate have to give the code to anyone they invite, such as friends, family, or even the pizza delivery guy. This makes it very easy for the entire neighborhoods code to get out to someone who may use it for malicious purposes.
So which type of home should I choose?
If you are leaning towards a gated community, look into the types of security procedures that neighborhood has. Try to remember that merely having a border fence and a gate code doesn’t make you safe, and that a lot more goes into a safe community. If the community has an active security patrol, a great gate, and a sturdy wall, then it may be safer than a regular home. However, be sure to remember that living in a gated community could very well make you more of a target than a regular house.
If you are now swayed more towards an ungated community, then remember that there are many important things to help you stay safe without security guards to protect you. Home security can be done well if you do things like turning on your alarm and locking all of your doors before you leave your home. Criminals often break into homes according to someone’s schedule, for example as soon as they leave for work. It never hurts to set your security alarm before you leave, or even when you go to bed. This applies equally to gated communities as well, keep setting your alarm even if you already feel safe, an extra layer of security is never a bad thing.
To experience the peace of mind of having a security alarm system for your home or business in The Coachella Valley, contact the experts at Command One Security! One of our home security consultants will be happy to discuss the best and most cost-effective options we have available for you. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!