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  • 73700 Dinah Shore Drive, Suite 401, Palm Desert, CA 92211
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home security when the weather is hot

Four Extra Home Security Precautions You Should Take When the Weather is Hot

home security when the weather is hotWarm weather isn’t without its setbacks. From dehydration to heat stroke, there are plenty of hazards that come with the hot weather, so many people understandably take precautions around their home to help cope with the heat.

Opening windows and doors is a common fix, as is cranking the air conditioning up to full, but these may pose unexpected risks to your home’s security. In fact, there are many opportunistic thieves that take advantage of the hot weather and the possible lowering of home security that comes with it.

Here are four extra home security precautions you should take when the weather is hot:

Close all ground windows at night
The most common reason that homes are more susceptible to break-ins during hot weather is that more windows remain open than normal. This makes sense, as most of us that want to cool down from the heat simply open the windows across the house.
However, many tend to leave them open throughout the day and night, which creates a big risk for homeowners. Windows on the ground floor are the biggest culprit in this regard, as they make entering the home much easier, so always keep them closed at night no matter how hot it gets!

Check second floor windows for easy access
It is normally safe to leave second floor windows open overnight as they are quite difficult to access so most burglars don’t take the risk. However, some windows on the second floor could still pose a risk is they have easier access, typically in the shape of a tree, wall, or fence near to window.

Check to see if there are any risks near a second-floor window you want to leave open, paying attention to trees and fences in particular. For trees, consider trimming branches that are near windows, while applying spikes to the top of a fence helps detract would-be intruders.

Keep your garage door down when working in the yard
The hot weather is great for getting work done around the yard, whether cutting grass, planting new flowers, or making repairs to fences. Most people store tools and lawnmowers in the garage, and don’t think twice of leaving it open as they get to work outside the home.

However, this does pose a risk from opportunistic thieves that see the open door and nobody close by to stop them. For instance, taking a bathroom break could give a burglar the chance they are waiting for, so always leave your garage door shut when working outside!

Don’t leave ladders lying around
Chances are you are going to do some work to your home’s exterior during the hot weather. It’s a great time to repaint the house or clean out the gutter after a long winter, so you may be using a ladder during this time.

Ladders are a big risk for homeowners when left outside, so always make sure you never leave ladders unattended when doing work outside the home. If using frequently during the summer, chain them up at night so nobody tries to use them to break in!

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!

home invasion

3 Types of Home Invasions That Home Security Alarms Can Protect Against

home invasionHome security is one of the primary concerns of every homeowner. The concern to enhance residential security has increased in the last few years due to the increasing number of home invasions that end in violence against a home’s occupants. Everyone should take the security of their home seriously and consider installing a reliable home security alarm for protection against home invasions.

Following are 3 types of home invasions that home security alarms can protect against:

1. Home Invasion by Forced Entry
In this type of home invasion, the intruder does not use any deception and tries to force his way into a home. For instance, the intruder rings the doorbell and when the homeowner opens the door, he forces his way in. In other cases, the invader does not even bother to ring the doorbell or knock on the front door, instead he simply kicks in the front door of the house and tries to take over the home. The most common entry point for home invasion by forced entry is the front door.

A home security alarm can protect you and your family against this type of home invasion. With installation and proper placement of your surveillance cameras, you will be able to see the invader before he attempts to gain entry. And if the invader simply starts kicking in your front door, then you will know thanks to home security system’s surveillance cameras. In most cases, the alarm will trigger if someone tried to gain forced entry. And if for some reason it doesn’t, then you can use the panic button of your home alarm system to alert the authorities of the threat.

2. Home Invasion by Ruse
This is the type of home invasion in which the invader uses ruses or deceptive tricks to get inside your home. Usually, the intruder fakes his identity in order to gain the trust of the homeowner and lower their guard. For example, he can dress up in a cable company uniform, knock on your door and tell that he is here to fix a problem with your cable. In this way, he will request entry into your home and once he gains entry, he will drop the act and try to overpower you and other occupants of your home with fear and violence to obtain cash, credit cards, cell phones, expensive jewelry, or anything else of value.

In most cases, your surveillance cameras at the front of your property as well as signs of the security system will be enough to deter such invaders and protect you against this type of home invasion. Apart from this, you will have access to the panic button of your home security system to quickly call for help if such an unfortunate incident occurs.

3. Break, Enter, and Steal
This is usually not considered as a type of home invasion but it could be categorized as such when the alleged offender is armed with a weapon and the circumstances aggravate. Generally, the intruder’s intensions are to enter the house without breaking or attracting attention. A home security alarm will deter such intruders from attempting to gain entry into your home. The motion sensors as well as surveillance equipment of your home security alarm will detect the intruder as soon as he enters your property.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!


What is The Difference Between Stay, Away, and Night Home Alarm Activation Modes?

what-is-the-difference-between-stay-away-and-night-home-alarm-activation-modesHome alarm systems need to be manually activated by a user to work. This makes sense when you consider the alarm would go off at any given time without proper activation and given how often we come and go from our homes, having several modes to accommodate different situations is certainly convenient.

This often causes confusion however. For instance, not everyone is fully aware of the differences between these modes, not knowing what works best for each situation. Let’s take a closer look at the main differences between home alarm activation modes:

1. Stay Mode

Stay mode, often referred to as home mode, is the mode best used when someone remains at home. Motion sensors from the system detect people inside but don’t activate any alarms, ensuring the system isn’t set off by mistake.

This mode still provides security of course, otherwise it would be rather useless. The main security provided by stay mode occurs at other entrances to the home, namely windows and any additional doors.

2. Away Mode

As the name suggests, this armed mode is used when homeowners are away from their home. Therefore, all alarms are usually activated (unless the user decides to deactivate certain alarms), ensuring the utmost protection when away from home.

Both interior and exterior alarms are armed, so whether it’s a broken window or forced entry, the security system immediately triggers and sounds the alarm. Depending on the security system installed, the police might also be contacted.

So, unlike other modes, away mode will always activate the alarm should there be an issue, making it the most secure option for those leaving their home unattended. Be mindful that pets may activate motion sensors with this mode!

Also, away mode usually features a delay, so you can leave the house as you activate it, while also giving enough time (around 30 seconds) to deactivate when you come back home.

3. Night Mode

One of the most notable difference with night mode is how customizable it is. You set the alarm to suit the needs of your own night time routine, allowing to get the balance of security when sleeping but avoiding false alarms should you go to the bathroom or have a pet moving around downstairs.

This works by letting you pre-program the night mode to turn off any sensors that may be disturbed by mistake. Most people tend to turn off most motion sensors with this mode while keeping other sensors active, such as those on windows and doors.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!


Security Systems Installed and Monitored by Alarm Companies Are Preferred Over the Kind You Can Buy at Retail Stores for These 4 Reasons

security-systems-installed-and-monitored-by-alarm-companies-are-preferred-over-the-kind-you-can-buy-at-retail-stores-for-these-4-reasonsHome security systems are a necessity these days because the theft rate is increasing with the passage of time. These alarm systems offer much needed security and keep your home, belongings, and family safe. If you are trying to get a home alarm system for your property, you might be tempted to buy the necessary components at a retail store and then install them by yourself. It is not recommended because the installation of such systems is a lot more complicated than you may think. It’s best to leave it to professionals.

Here are 4 reasons why security systems installed and monitored by an alarm company are preferred:

1. Convenience

Probably one of the main reasons most people prefer professional home security system installation is because it is highly convenient. From the initial security assessment to the security system installation and then monitoring and alerts, an experienced alarm company will manage all the details for you. So you can sit back, relax, and rely on years of experience and expertise of the alarm company to determine the best solution for your home security. You won’t have to go through several stores to find security system components that are suitable for your home, professionals at home alarm company will take care of such hassles for you. Because of these reasons, professional installation is a smart option.

2. Reliability

A home security system monitored by an alarm company is a reliable solution. When the alarm is set off, you won’t have to worry about contacting the authorities as the alarm company will take care of that immediately. It is very helpful, especially if you are away when the unfortunate event happens. The success rate of preventing thefts/intrusions by monitored alarm systems is higher as compared to DIY security systems.

3. Proper Installation

Apart from convenience and reliability, with a professional alarm company you are assured that your home security system will be installed properly to provide the maximum surveillance and protection. While you may purchase a home alarm system from a retail store and install it yourself, it won’t guarantee that the entire system is installed properly and is providing maximum security that you and your family need. During installation, you might overlook an entry point to your house that a burglar can use to enter your house undetected. Trained security experts at reputable home alarm companies know such weak points of a house. Furthermore, there could be a component in your security system rendering the entire system weak, and you won’t know about it if you are installing it by yourself. A professional installer on the other hand, will go through each tiny detail to make sure that your home alarm system works optimally.

4. Professional Installation Takes Your Home Security to The Next Level

In addition to installing the basic security system components, many home alarm companies also provide options that take your home security to the next level. Some of these options include (but are not limited to) fire monitoring, safety packages/panic buttons for the elderly, pet-immune motion sensors, redundant alerts, battery backups, etc. It’s easy to overlook some of these components when you are installing the security system by yourself. Then there’s also the challenge of integrating such components into an existing home alarm system. You can count on a professional home alarm company for an enhanced security and monitoring of your home.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!


Protect Your Business from These 4 Problems with a Proper Commercial Security System

protect-your-business-from-these-4-problems-with-a-proper-commercial-security-systemRunning your own business is one of the most fulfilling things in life, yet it is not without its risks. There are various security problems that a small business faces, from vandalism to robbery, and while not everyone faces such threats many unfortunate business owners do.

One of the best ways to prevent problems for your business is to install a proper security system. This provides protection from a variety of risks that your business may encounter, helping to minimize or even prevent problems from occurring.

Here are four problems that a good commercial security system protects your business from:

1. Break-Ins

If your business holds valuable goods or large sums of money, then there is always the risk of break-in. The sad truth is that many criminals are happy to break into the premises of a small business to see if there is anything worth stealing.

A robust security system offers great protection from such risks. Not only does it act as a preventative – criminals always hate the sight of security cameras and alarms – it will provide evidence of any thefts should they occur, which may help with matters like prosecution and making an insurance claim.

2. Internal Theft

Unfortunately, not all thefts occur because of an on-site break-in. Many businesses suffer from internal theft, where employees steal goods or money as they work. This is often more damaging as employees know the inner workings of your business, so they can use that knowledge to steal things without getting caught.

A proper security system helps to greatly reduce this risk. When staff know they are under surveillance, they are less likely to consider stealing anything, and those that do will likely be caught thanks to effective security measures such as CCTV, alarm systems, and anti-theft devices.

3. Vandalism

Nothing can be worse than having your business premises vandalized. While some acts of vandalism are minor, there are instances where significant damage is caused, requiring you to fork out large sums of money to repair anything.

Security systems make people re-think acts of vandalism, as the chances of getting caught are massive. Anyone that chooses to damage your business will suffer the full consequences of their actions should you have a security system, providing concrete evidence through recorded footage.

4. Acts of Violence

A business faces various security threats, and the best way to avoid them is by installing a quality security system. For example, someone could walk into your business and attack an employee or customer, in which case a security camera would provide a deterrent to help protect you and your employees.

Similarly, there may be an issue that arises between employees, resulting in physical confrontation. A security system provides protection against this, acting mostly as a deterrent, but also allows you to properly analyze the situation and make the right decisions when addressing the problem.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!

4 Types of Businesses That Need Security Systems the Most

4-types-of-businesses-that-need-security-systems-the-mostEvery business should have a security system of some kind to ensure their investment is well protected from potential threats. One of the biggest threats facing businesses of every scope is thievery. Whether break-ins, shoplifting, or any other type of theft, any business that has goods or money onsite will likely be considered a target at some point.

Yet some are targeted more than others. The most obvious reason for this is that certain businesses are a more lucrative target, holding goods or money worth more than others. Some are viewed as a much easier target due to their size or lack of security.

In any case, many types of businesses need security systems more than others because they are more likely to be a victim of crime.

1. Retail Stores

Retailers are some of the most common targets for thieves, making the need for a robust security system even more important. They’re targeted mostly by shoplifters because their stock is out in the open so can be stolen much easier, providing the security is lacking.

Many are also robbed for their money, as stores tend to hold most of their cash onsite, making it quite lucrative for many would-be thieves. Retail stores come in many forms, any of which can be targeted, including convenience stores, clothes stores, supermarkets etc.

2. Jewelry Stores

While also a type of retailer, jewelry stores deserve a mention of their own purely for their status as a massive target. The reason is rather obvious, with jewelry stores having incredibly valuable stock instore. Jewelry is very expensive after all, so you can be certain that these types of stores simply must operate with comprehensive security systems for their own protection.

Even small, independent jewelry stores should invest in quality security systems. Many that operate on a smaller scale with less expensive jewelry on hand believe they aren’t as much of a target due to the lower value of their stock, but this just makes them an even more suitable target should they be lacking in a security system.

3. Banks

Any bank simply must have a security system in measure. Having large amounts of cash on hand at any time will always make them a potential target, which is why most banks thankfully have some of the best security systems around.

Granted, stealing from a bank is much harder than almost every other type of business, yet the payoff is also much higher, making it too tempting for some.

4. Warehouses and Distribution Centers

Any business that holds massive amounts of valuable stock is always going to need good security. Warehouses and distribution centers are always viewed as a big target by thieves, as they tend to hold massive amounts of goods that are high in value.

One of the big issues with warehouses and the like is that they can often feature blind spots due to their large size and layout. This means that the biggest threats often come from inside the business, making the need for quality security system even more important.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!


6 Different Types of Sensors That Home Alarm Systems Use to Detect an Intruder

6-different-types-of-sensors-that-home-alarm-systems-use-to-detect-an-intruderThere are many factors to consider when you are shopping for a home alarm system. The alarm type is probably on top of most homeowners’ list. However, deciding on what type of sensors to install is also very important because they are the most vital component of your home alarm system. An efficient alarm system sensor will detect any intrusions and save you from unfortunate circumstances.

Following are 6 different types of sensors that home alarm systems use to detect an intruder:

1. Passive Infrared Motion Detectors

Also known as PIR sensors, these are the most common type of sensors homeowners use because they are practical and affordable. The term passive means that these detectors operate without any need to radiate and generate their own energy. PIR sensors can efficiently detect changes in the ambient temperature as well as body heat. If these sensors detect a temperature spike due to the presence of an intruder or foreign object, the alarm is set off. A thing to note is that infrared energy cannot pass through glass, so the alarm won’t trigger due to the presence of people or animals outside.

2. Ultrasonic Detectors

Ultrasonic detectors use high-frequency sound waves to detect any kind of movement within a limited space. They transmit frequencies between 25 kHz and 75 kHz, which are inaudible to human ears. These frequencies are bounced off the walls, ceiling, as well as furniture in a protected room. And when there is any sudden change in the stabilized frequency, the alarm is triggered. Any moving object can change the frequency of the surrounding sound waves in the protected space, so these sensors will not discriminate between intruders and passersby.

3. Microwave Detectors

Microwave detectors work in the same manner as ultrasonic detectors. However, they use high frequency radio waves instead of sound waves. The advantage of using microwave detectors is that radio waves can go through walls, so they provide relatively more coverage as compared to ultrasonic waves.

4. Magnetic Switches

Magnetic switches are typically used for protecting doors and windows. Their ease of use, durability, and affordability makes them a popular choice. They consist of two separate parts i.e. the switch and the magnet, and homeowners can easily install them themselves. The switch creates an electrical circuit with the magnet when closed because it contains a spring. If a window or door is opened the circuit breaks and the alarm is triggered.

5. Photoelectric Beams

Photoelectric beams utilize infrared light beams in order to detect the presence of an intruder. These infrared light beams are usually stacked in rows of two or more. The home alarm system goes off if anyone obstructs a beam.

6. Glass Break Detectors

When a glass breaks, different bands of frequencies are generated including ultrasonic waves that are audible to humans as well as infrasonic that humans cannot hear. These sensors are installed next to glass panes, and the alarm sets off instantly when the glass breaks.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!


Protect Your Home by Doing These 5 Things with Your Windows

protect-your-home-by-doing-these-5-things-with-your-windowsAdequately preparing your windows can greatly increase the protection of your home from break-ins and invaders, but it is an often-overlooked aspect of home security. Doors are an obvious point of entry that can be easily protected by locks and security systems, yet windows tend to be left alone beyond their standard locks.

However, there are many steps that can be taken to help prepare your windows against potential break-ins:

1. Always lock them

It’s an obvious statement but one that is surprisingly ignored – always take the time to lock your windows.

People often leave the home with windows open as they believe the risk is minimal or not even a threat – especially when they’re above ground level – which is a big mistake as many thieves will see it as an open invitation to enter.

Any time you go outside, simply take the time to lock every single window, even if the weather is warm. It’s quick, its easy, but most importantly it’s effective.

Better still – upgrade your window locks! If you think your window locks aren’t up to the task, you can certainly increase their stability by adding a second set of locks.

2. Window cameras and alarms

Many homeowners will install security cameras throughout their home, namely the entrances and exits, as well as areas like the porch. Yet not as many people opt to install window security cameras to deter thieves.

Not only are they a preventative device just like other security cameras as burglars look to avoid them, they can also provide you with a notification should they break-in or set off a house alarm.

3. Reinforced glass

An incredibly effective way of securing your windows is by installing reinforced glass panes. Standard window glass can be broken with relative ease, which is one of the most common methods used to break-in using a window.

Reinforced glass is incredibly durable so it will not be easily broken. Any burglar that attempts to break it will likely given up after long, due to the noise and general disruption it will cause. Options for reinforced glass include tempered glass, laminated glass, and even bullet-resistant glass.

4. Window bars

Adorning the front of your windows with bars is one of the most effective ways to protect your home from potential break-ins. This is due to the fact that even if the glass is broken, no burglar will be able to fit through the gaps of the bars.

Of course, metal bars are viewed as rather unsightly and prison-like, so you may prefer the more aesthetically pleasing grill option.

5. Flood lights

As these are a popular deterrent for other entry points of a home, flood lights can be highly effective for windows too. By simply installing a flood light outside of any window, you can expect most burglars to stay clear, as not many enjoy the idea of breaking in through a well-lit window.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!


Ways To Avoid Accidents In Your Home

ways-to-avoid-accidents-in-your-homeBy their very nature, accidents are unforeseen consequences that can occur anywhere. Though unforeseen, they can be preventable. A regular day walk on the streets can give you evidence for this. There are road signs, construction signs and many other ways that we are made aware of potential danger or the need to be careful.

One way of preventing accidents that would affect you directly is to control your own environment.  In this case, your home. Making your home an accident free zone as much as possible will help save your life and those that live with and visit you. Here are some tips to consider for two common types of accidents that happen in homes.

Preventing Fire Accidents

You have most probably seen news reports of house fires or perhaps even know someone who was affected. Fires have immense destruction power and can grow quickly when they start. Preventing them has to be top priority in any home. House fires can be caused in a number of ways. Identifying them and dealing with them is key.

Fires can be caused by poor electrical work, exposed wires or broken electrical equipment. Children can stumble on some matches, and an innocent game can lead to an inferno. You have probably even heard of exploding phones when fake chargers are used on them. You have to put in place measures to prevent these accidents or to identify them quickly when they occur.

The easiest way to deal with preventing these accidents is to contact a security company and have them evaluate your home. Exposed wires can be covered up. Have smoke detectors and fire extinguishers installed. It is also advisable to have a written notice on the things that people need to be careful about. Have a system of house rules that lead to awareness and prevention. You can also go further and have designated fire exists.

Carbon Monoxide Suffocation

Carbon monoxide is a very dangerous gas. It is odorless and can lead to suffocation. Most victims of carbon monoxide inhalation were not even aware that it was taking place. This is because, the person simply begins to feel drowsy and just sleeps away. How and when does this mostly happen?

In some cases, in an attempt to get warm during the cold season, some people decide to burn charcoal inside the house. While this can get the house warm, burning charcoal produces carbon monoxide. In some other cases, the person would drive into their garage and forget to turn off the car. They may be in a hurry and have promised to go back and turn off the car but they simply forget. Part of a car’s exhaust is carbon monoxide.

In order to prevent this from happening in your home, it is advisable to make sure that your house is well ventilated. Good ventilation allows for clean air to get into the house. Also, you can contact a security company for assistance. They will help you install a carbon monoxide detector to alert both you, and them when carbon monoxide is detected. A response unit may be sent to your house to confirm that everything is ok.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!


Secure These Top 4 Entry Points That Burglars Target

secure-these-top-4-entry-points-that-burglars-targetMost active burglars are rather good at what they do – after all, there’s a reason they haven’t been caught! While this is partially due to their experience of breaking in and robbing a home, many times it’s because they can recognize a property that isn’t as secure as others.

Burglars gain access to a house through a targeted entry point, with some houses having more of these than others, often making them an increased risk. However, we can take necessary precautions to ensure any entry point that a burglar may target is as secure as possible.

Secure these top 4 entry points that burglars target and your home will be safer for it:

1. Front Door

Many people wrongly assume that the front door isn’t a big target for burglars, but around a third of break-ins occur through a front door. There’s a variety of reasons why this happens, from spare keys being left nearby to how easy some doors can be forced open, so be sure to secure your front door as much as possible,

You can do this in many ways, and some doors may need more securing than others, but it should be simple enough to get done. Some great examples of how to secure your front door include installing deadbolts or a strike plate to help strengthen the door from forced entry, while a door alarm is also very worthwhile.

And remember – always lock your door!

2. Back Door

The back door of a home is the preferred point of entry for most burglars, being much less visible from the prying eyes of neighbors that may catch them in the act. Whether your back door connects to a kitchen or living room (like with a patio door), it’s one of the most targeted entry points so it should be sufficiently secured.

Sliding doors can be quite an issue, as their locks are much less effective than with a typical door, so a sliding bolt is a good idea for anyone with this type of door. A glass break alarm may also be a good idea!

Standard doors can use the same tactics as with a front door, with heavy duty bolts, strike plates and additional locks being some of the best methods for extra security.

3. Bottom Floor Windows

Windows are often overlooked when it comes to home security, but around a quarter of all break-ins occur through the bottom floor windows. This is because windows are relatively weak, making them an effective point of entry in many cases.

Burglars take advantage of this fact, usually checking how secure bottom floor windows are when scoping out a target. Remember, if a burglar cannot make it in through the doors, they will try the windows next!

Securing windows may require more robust methods, such as installing reinforced glass or even upgrading to tougher plexiglass. Window bars are another option, although they are rather unsightly but still hugely effective, while window based alarms are also effective.

4. Top Floor Windows

Windows that are higher from the ground may seem like less of a target, but many opportunistic burglars will use this as their point of entry. While the chances of a break-in occurring here are much lower, it is still a possibility so it’s worth securing it when possible.

The easiest way to secure windows on the top floor of a home is to ensure there are no ladders left outside that can be used to gain access, and be mindful of any trees that could be climbed as well.

If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!

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