Two Home Security Scams and How to Avoid Them
Home security systems offer a sound peace of mind for any homeowner, but there are some instances where they should be completely avoided, namely when they’re being sold by scammers! Granted, it’s usually difficult to determine a home security scam, as it’s one of the lesser used scams out there, but there are certainly risks homeowners should be aware of.
1. The Scam – Selling Poor or Faulty Security Systems
One of the more common home security scams come from door-to-door salespeople, usually around spring or summer time, although it could happen at any time of the year. These individuals use shrewd tactics to get you to buy their home security systems, often being manipulative or even forceful.
For instance, they may claim (untruthfully) that there are high levels of break-ins in your area, or state that the deal they are offering comes at no cost. Some try to strong-arm you into signing a contract there and then, while even refusing to leave your home should you let them in.
Being a scam, you will seriously regret signing up for anything like this. Whether it’s a ridiculously expensive contract full of hidden fees or selling you faulty security systems, these scams are used to exploit anyone that buys what they’re selling.
What to do
To avoid this, always be aware of the signs of a scam salesperson. Offering deals that are seemingly too good to be true usually means they are, so be mindful of deals offering big discounts or free hardware.
Another effective measure for identifying a scam salesperson is to ask for lots of information. Request the company’s name, address, and phone number, along with as much information as you can about their licence, including licence number, what state it was issued in, and what name the licence is registered in.
Having this info allows you to research potentially unscrupulous salespeople and the businesses they may or may not work for.
2. The Scam – Targeting current home security systems
Another popular home security scam targets those that already have a system installed. By looking for homes that state they have security systems – or simply looking for them from afar – they identify potential targets and attempt to scam them using various methods.
For example, the salesperson will call at your door and claim to be a representative of another home security company. They will allege that your current home security provider has gone bankrupt or being bought out, so they now belong to their company.
This typically involves the pretense of getting you to sign a new contract, claiming it’s nothing more than a formality and necessary for your security system to continue working. They actually want some valuable personal info from you, so always be aware of anyone claiming they need a contract to be signed and various personal details.
What to do
To avoid this type of scammer, just be aware of this story, as it is one of the most common aspects of the scam.
Anyone that comes to your door claiming to be part of a different or even your current home security provider should always face scrutiny, and never give any personal information without verifying their legitimacy.
Again, ask for personal details of their alleged company and a form of identification.
If you have a home in The Coachella Valley and are concerned about the overall security of your property, see our page for special offers on a new alarm system, then contact the professional alarm consultants at Command One Security! We are eager to discuss with you the most effective and economical options we have available for home security today. Call us today at (760) 568-0052!